Soy Kono,presidente de Daiking Corporation. Si tiene alguna consulta,por favor envie un correo
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*Become our distributor? We need our distributors all over the world.
*Pricing, specifications, availability, and terms of offers may change without notice
*We will change the list price of the leather pick case on March1,2025.
*If you come to Tokyo, you can purchase our guitar straps at the following stores:
Ginza Area: Yamaha Ginza Store.
Ochanomizu Area: Ishibashi Music Ochanomizu Main Store, Kurosawa Music Station Front Store, Shimokura Music Main Store, Taniguchi Music, Big Boss Annex.
Akihabara Area: Ikebe Music Revole.
Shinjuku Area: Ishibashi Music Shinjuku Store, Shimamura Music Shinjuku Pepe Store.
Shibuya Area: Ikebe Music Grandy, Ishibashi Music Shibuya Store.
Ikebukuro Area: Ikebe Music Rock House, Ishibashi Music Ikebukuro Store, Kurosawa Music Ikebukuro Store
New Animal Pickcase PIG has released

Animal Pick Case PIG EAN4571694380397

EAN 4571694380212
EAN 4571694380335
EAN 4571694380328
DGS-JPD 3,200JPY EAN 4571694380311